Identificación y expresión emocional:APPEARANCES ARE DECEPTIVE

Identification and emotional expression, empathy, decision making, self-control, creativity English as a foreign language Bilingualism 10 to 12
ago 3, 2023
Fundación Botín

PURPOSE: This proposal begins with the viewing of a short film called Snack Attack (2012), that deals with how the unfounded mental images we make of people, lead our behavior, sometimes unconsciously, towards negative attitudes. Starting from this context, we will reflect on the short film through dialogue and promoting empathy.
The dynamics that are proposed throughout the activity make it easier to work on the vocabulary related to actions (buying, pushing, shouting, reading...) and also with emotions. The role-play is the central axis of the proposal, since it allows exercising understanding and active empathy among equals; simultaneously improving the assertiveness of our students in terms of acceptance of the other.
Also, it promotes the development of interaction skills and oral skills (both active listening and oral production), which is essential for learning and mastering any language, and even more so when it comes to a foreign language.